Monday, April 30, 2012

Winter didn't come through this time; Summer always does

In retrospect (and it's already in the rearview mirror), winter 2012 did not follow through on its promise of abundant snow.  Those who visited us can tell stories of golfing at Edgewood in February, as well as great groomer-run skiing at Heavenly, which clearly established itself this year as the dominant snowmaking force in the Tahoe Basin. While other resorts never really opened at all, or struggled to keep snow conditions skiable, Heavenly's "overinvestment" in snowmaking equipment paid off this year. Heavenly boasted eerily lovely spring-skiing conditions on nearly 100% of its slopes all winter long, while its tree-filled glades and steep open bowls were usually 100% scrub brush, bare rocks, and dry pine-needle-clad soil. What a weird winter. Glad it's behind us.

Tahoe's summers always fulfill the promise of cooler-than-your-city temps, sunny days, open trails, and fun by (and on!) the Lake itself.  Our summer weekends are almost all booked up, so call Josh now if you hope to enjoy a Fjeldheim vacation this summer.


1 comment:

  1. ...yes, there was the occasional awesome powder day that blanketed every Tahoe mountain and got us all on the slopes. But those snow-dumps never stuck, did they...
