For Fjeldheim guests who would like to make their Tahoe Rim Trail hike a special occasion, we have a fun opportunity to do so this summer!
Every summer the TRTA selects six short segments of the Tahoe Rim Trail, each between 2 and 12 miles long, to be Tahoe Rim Trail Challenge Hikes. Each segment is selected for its beauty and accessibility, and the segments will differ every year. With more than 175 miles of trail to choose from, including various spurs and local loops, there won't be much repetition.
Information about these Challenge Hikes will not be made public. It is limited to those who sign up for the Tahoe Rim Trail Challenge 2014: the $55 individual fee includes custom maps and detailed trail information about all six premier hikes, a TrT Challenge Hike T-shirt, a one-year membership in the TRTA, and access to a special web page from which you can track and log your hike data.
But Fjeldheim groups are pretty big, and $55 per person adds up quickly. So the TRTA is offering a family rate of just $85 which provides two T-shirts and two log-in codes; additional T-shirts cost just $20 each. We have found that families tend to want to do the hike together and only need one code to log the data for the main group... the second code is for that handful of family members (you know who they are) who will stick together and zoom on ahead of everyone.
The best part, for Fjeldheim guests this summer and fall: one of those premier hikes will be near Daggett Summit, just up the Forest Service road from Fjeldheim's doorstep!
If you want to take advantage of this opportunity, sign up online or call Shannon Skarrit at 775-298-4485. Or stop by the Tahoe Rim Trail Association offices just down the hill in Kingsbury: 128 Market Street, Suite 3E, in Stateline NV! Shannon can sign you up and outfit your entire group right on the spot. Be sure to tell her you are guests of Fjeldheim, and that Nic and Josh say hi.