How was your Thanksgiving? It might be even better at Fjeldheim next year!
Thanksgiving is a popular week here at the Tahoe Mountain Home: the aspens are turning gold, the creek is burbling merrily with the last of the snowmelt (the Sierra snowpack never quite melts away completely), the roads and trails are still clear, and the approach of winter brings a crisp alpine chill to the breeze. Fjeldheim's decor is already conducive to autumn celebration-- just a few decorative touches like my mom's centerpieces, and our autumnal placemats (or bring your own), and the whole house evokes the Thanksgiving spirit!
We can also help you plan-- and even prepare and serve-- your Thanksgiving feast. Kerry Hawk of Blue Sky Events can handle the entire thing for you, literally from soup to nuts, or Fjeldheim owners Nic and Kathryn Nelson can offer lots of suggestions if you want to go it alone.
Call us at 775-588-4112 to reserve Thanksgiving 2012 now. Don't miss this opportunity to create lifelong happy memories with your entire family!